Tuesday, June 21, 2011

On to the Games!

Today was the fitness test.  

No matter how hard you train, or how many times you run the FIFA Fitness test it is still daunting, as .01 seconds over the time limit can send you home.  Luckily our hard work paid off, in fact we improved our sprint times considerably and were well within the time limits.

Last night the rain hit us hard, waking many people during the night.  But a wet track and drizzle on and off did not slow us down.  In fact the wet, cool weather may have been a blessing in disguise, especially for me coming from the bay area and training these past several months in about 55 degree weather.

We did the test in 3 different groups.  Referees first and then the AR's are spit into 2 separate groups.  We left the hotel at 7:30am and returned by 1:30.  A long but very rewarding morning, where all but one offical past the fitness test (4th official, due to injury).  Unfortunately that referee will return to their home country tomorrow; heal and work hard and prepare for the next possible appointment.  We wish her the best of luck.

And now - On to the GAMES!!!

Referees after the Test

Assistant Referees after the test!

USA Referees post-test, waiting on the last group to finish their run.

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